Tips & Tricks
1. How to create .m2 folder in windows?
You can do this through command prompt. Go to the directory you want to add .m2 folder in command prompt and execute
mkdir .m2
2. How to create .gitignore file in windows?
You can do this with command prompt. Go to the directory you want to add .gitignore file, create a text file with gitignore.txt and add the data and then jump to command prompt and execute
ren gitignore.txt .gitignore
3. How to compile a java file in package ?
C:\Info\batch3\day2>javac -d bin com/info/
C:\Info\batch3\day2>java -cp ./bin com/info/PackageProgram
4. Command to know which one application is running on a particular port.
netstat -ano -p tcp or netstat -ano find ""
5. Command to know which one application is running on a particular port on Unix Server
netstat -tulpn | grep 13000
ON Mac lsof -n -i4TCP:8080 | grep LISTEN