Core Java Assignment 2
1) Try implementing Two interfaces with same method name & signature and same return type?
2) Try implementing Two interfaces with same method name with different return type ?
3) Try adding a static block and instance block inside interface ?
4) Add a static block and instance block inside abstract class and identify the sequence of execution ?
5) Create a class static block, instance block and default constructor. create object for the same class and let me know the sequence of execution ?
6) Create object for a class which implements two interfaces and an abstract class and verify the visibility of all the methods(both dummy and concrete).
7) create a parent class ‘P’ and child classs ‘C’. P having methods variables and 2 methods. In child class override all variables and override only one method. create Class ‘C’ specific methods and variables as well.
a) create a parent reference variable and assign child class. Verify scope of all parent and child member through parent reference variable.
9) Come up with an awesome your Own object and build interfaces and abstract classes around.
10) Can we override a construtors?
11) Cam we overload a construtor?
12)Is java follow pass-by-value or pass-by-reference ?
13)Apply all access specifiers to class, methods and variables. Identify by writing which ones not allowed and which ones allowed?